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Digital Drama’s Kickstarter campaign for Peace in Our Time is now live! Please help us promote it to all your friends and contacts. www.kck.st/1Tzv5FC

Noel Coward’s play Peace in Our Time evokes an occupied Britain during the Second World War.

Digital Drama are producing Peace in Our Time as an eight-part audio drama serial podcast, recorded and transmitted to a worldwide online audience in November 2015. We are delighted to have support from the Arts Council and the Noel Coward Foundation to produce this hidden gem.

Read through smallWith a cast of 40 characters, the play is seldom performed in the theatre because of the high production costs involved and has rarely been put on in the UK since its first production in 1947. Set in a London pub, Coward imagined Britain under German occupation in the Second World War. The production of the play this year will have particular relevance as it marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the conflict. Released bi-weekly online, the format will draw a new audience to Coward’s work, whilst creating an interactive, online legacy for Coward’s play, related resources and a heightened profile for this little performed drama.

Antelope Pub photo small

The Antelope was the inspiration for ‘The Shy Gazelle’, setting for ‘Peace In Our Time’

Click here www.kck.st/1Tzv5FC to support the project and enjoy rewards from as little as £5 – such as being the first to hear the drama, having a cameo role in the play and even become an Associate Producer. Please share the link and spread the word.