Memorabilia posterCall to Action!

Help the Rose Theatre unearth Kingston’s treasures from the First World War

Do you have family memorabilia to share from the First World War? The Rose Theatre are looking to borrow treasures, photographs and documents for a major exhibition to mark this important centenary.

We are interested in life on the home front as well as on the battle field and are keen to represent all the communities of Kingston. 

Images, artefacts and recorded memories will conjure up Kingston during the First World War in this interactive audio trail at the Rose Theatre in September 2014.

Writings and diaries from local Nobel playwright and campaigner John Galsworthy will be supported with voices and memories of the community; from the home front and battlefield. Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and created by Digital Drama, this major exhibition will evoke the sounds and sacrifice of a generation steeped in war.

If you have family memorabilia from the First World War and can help us in our call to action, please click on the ‘Get Involved’ button below to give us your details or email or call on 077525205148

Deadline for contributions: March 28th 2014

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